Melville School Board

Board Trustees:

The Board invites all community members to attend School Board meetings, which are held at Melville School on the second Tuesday of each month at 4:30 pm.

At regular Board meetings, the Board can take official action on school business, discuss policy, hire personnel, give direction to the Administration, and set goals for the district.

Those individuals who desire to address the Board during the public comment portion of the meeting should sign their name on the sheet and indicate the general topic on which they will be commenting. The Board Chairperson will call individuals to speak in the order listed on the sheet provided.

To contact Board Members via email, use the following addresses:

Ky Hanson

Board Chairman

Gary Johnson


Matt Cremer



Melville School Policy Book

A complete copy of the Melville School Policy book can be found at the Montana School Board Association website or by following the link below:

Melville School Board Policy

Melville School Trustee Election Forms

Declaration of Intent and Oath of Candidacy for Trustee Candidates Deadline to file: December 12, 2024 through March 27, 2025.